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A unique platform created to help you find the best ETF for you!


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What makes ETFs different?

1 transaction@1x

One Transaction, Many Shares

An ETF can hold many shares across various industries, or it could be isolated to one particular industry or sector.

2 easy buy@1x

Easy to Buy, Easy to Sell

Purchase an ETF with one easy, single transaction.

3 risk spread@1x

Your Risk is Spread

A single ETF holds various shares

4 tfsa@1x


Many ETFs qualify for a Tax-Free Savings Account.

How are ETFs different?

What is an ETF exactly?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are passively managed investment funds that track the performance of a basket of pre-determined assets and is a collection of individual assets. That can invest in stocks, commodities, bonds, currencies or a mixture of different assets to give you basically anything your heart desires… In the investment world. Watch the video to learn more.

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Top performing ETFs

*data rounded up to 2 decimal places
JSE Code Fund Name Provider
1 Week
3 Months
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
undefined 1nvest SWIX 40 ETF 1nvest 54.97 62.70 97.92 27.80 20.07 77.63
undefined Satrix RESI ETF Satrix 2.26 25.51 20.12 -3.83 20.19 28.10
undefined 1nvest Rhodium ETF 1nvest 1.93 22.34 19.27 -28.80 -6.14 23.60
undefined Krugerrand Custodial Certificate RMB n/a 4.05 27.77 18.28 16.55 22.05
undefined Satrix Shari'ah Top 40 ETF Satrix 2.04 17.64 17.80 -2.36 16.96 18.36
undefined Satrix MSCI China ETF Satrix -1.04 14.64 39.14 12.03 n/a 14.65
undefined Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF Sygnia -1.04 14.63 26.09 n/a n/a 14.62
undefined NewGold ETF ABSA 0.33 13.45 33.55 24.25 13.85 12.22
undefined 1nvestGold ETF 1nvest 0.15 13.43 33.41 24.18 13.85 12.04
undefined Sygnia Itrix EUROSTOXX50 ETF Sygnia -1.11 12.67 4.69 21.94 17.44 11.21
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Most Popular ETFs on EasyEquities

*Number of buys on EasyEquities
JSE Code Fund Name Provider
1 Week
1 Month
3 Months
1 Year
3 Years
5 years
undefined Satrix 40 ETF Satrix 6019 22937 119212 481738 1458706 2313731
undefined Satrix DIVI ETF Satrix 1211 5312 31961 127884 418091 663168
undefined Satrix S&P 500 Satrix 4086 21053 60765 203684 464577 645933
undefined Satrix Nasdaq 100 Satrix 3082 16546 45989 159576 369638 561204
undefined Satrix MSCI World ETF Satrix 2552 13116 36457 131638 328298 532639
undefined Satrix INDI ETF Satrix 936 3434 20481 80928 240841 408803
undefined Satrix FINI ETF Satrix 600 2370 15721 63533 194322 307234
undefined Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Sygnia 255 1922 10761 30035 101931 249871
undefined 1nvest S&P 500 Info Tech ETF 1nvest 1069 6237 19167 73297 152212 239241
undefined Satrix Property ETF Satrix 458 2426 13760 49383 135782 228136
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Why ETFs?

Investing in ETFs is a no-brainer and the ultimate investment tool. 

There are many reasons why to invest in an ETF.

Watch the video to learn more.

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